Monday, June 20, 2011

Photo of the Day - Sixty Nine

I didn't forget about this blog!  I swear.  I've just been wrapped up in life and passing my NCLEX exam.  Yes, I am officially an RN and now, besides my pregnancy, I have all the time in the world to focus on my photography once again.  Just because I haven't been posting anything in the last few weeks doesn't mean I haven't been taking photos, either...

Here is a farm that is about as picturesque as they come in central Vermont.  I've driven past it many times, but hadn't taken a photo until the other evening when the lighting was just right.  The sun had just set behind the hills and cows were grazing in the far back field as I insisted Shawn pull over so I could snap a photo, or several.

Sunny Brook Farm - Click to view larger
This is an HDR image of five different exposures with a high aperture setting, I think around 16-18. 

And have no fear.  I hope to continue regular postings and resume my "How To's" among other things from here on out!  Thanks for hanging in there with me through the past few busy months!

1 comment:

  1. That picture IS PERFECT! It makes me want to just sit and look and enjoy!!!
    Congrats on being an RN also.


I love and appreciate all comments! If you have a question please ask away and I will certainly reply.